Plagiarism Policy

The Journal of Emerging Technology and Digital Transformation (JETDT) is committed to publishing original, high-quality research that adheres to the highest standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism is a serious offense that undermines the integrity of research and scholarship.

This policy outlines the following:

  • Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work as your own, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This includes copying text, ideas, figures, or data verbatim without proper attribution, as well as paraphrasing or summarizing someone else's work without giving credit.
  • Types of Plagiarism: There are different types of plagiarism, including:
    • Direct plagiarism: Copying text verbatim without quotation marks or attribution.
    • Mosaic plagiarism: Combining pieces of text from different sources without proper attribution.
    • Paraphrasing plagiarism: Re-writing someone else's work without changing the meaning significantly and without attribution.
    • Self-plagiarism: Submitting the same work, or substantial portions of it, to multiple publications without proper disclosure.
  • Prohibited Activities: The following activities are strictly prohibited and will be considered plagiarism:
    • Submitting a manuscript that contains plagiarized material.
    • Submitting a manuscript that has been previously published elsewhere without proper disclosure and permission.
    • Fabricating or manipulating data.
    • Ghostwriting or allowing someone else to write your manuscript without proper disclosure.
  • Consequences of Plagiarism: Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism will be subject to the following consequences:
    • Rejection of the manuscript: The manuscript will be immediately rejected and will not be considered for further publication.
    • Notification to the author's institution: The author's institution may be notified of the plagiarism, and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken.
    • Publication of the plagiarism: The Journal may publish the details of the plagiarism to deter future violations.
  • Detection of Plagiarism: JETDT uses a combination of plagiarism detection software and editorial review to identify plagiarized content.
  • Appeals: Authors who disagree with a finding of plagiarism may appeal the decision to the Editor-in-Chief.

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are original and free of plagiarism. By submitting a manuscript to JETDT, authors agree to adhere to this Plagiarism Policy.